Thursday, January 22, 2009

A day for terrorists to celebrate

Obama has signed the executive order to close Gitmo.

His words: "The United States will not torture."

...or put up a fight. EVER.

So, terrorists: Come on in! Make yourself comfortable! Soon, we'll be taking up the U.N. Constitution. The gist of it is: Be nice, or you will sit in time out.

Great. The U.S. is losing its teeth, one by one.

I'm less pissed off that Gitmo is closing, and more pissed off that this was one of the first things on his agenda.

How about deciding what to do about the diminishing dollar?

Or figuring out how to save American taxpayers' jobs?

Nope. Instead, we're concerned about terrorists well-being.


1 comment:

M said...

hey - someone asked for this link, so i thought i would give it you to - don't watch on a full stomach.