Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Identity Crisis of the Week

I always had a very unique last name. Aside from family, no one had my last name that I knew of.

Then, I got married to someone with a more common last name.

Then, someone on Facebook asked to be my friend. I had never met the girl before.
Her name is the same as mine.

Immediately, I had an identity crisis.

Holy shit. There are more "me"s out there?! No way. Uh uh.

I was about to hit "deny" on the "approve friend" box, when my husband said: "That's mean."

I looked at him, confused. "Why is it mean? She isn't my friend. That doesn't make her a bad person. I've just never met her before. She isn't my friend. This is asking if she's my friend. She's not."

He blinked once and turned back to the TV. "She could be."

It got quiet before we both burst out into laughter over the cheesiness of the statement.

I turned back to the computer screen. "Well, I suppose if she's a conservative, I'll approve her."

I had to justify it somehow.

"I love Jesus," it said on her profile.

I hit "approve," for fear of being hit by lightning otherwise.

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