Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2 things non-politically related that are pissing me off

#1 - To the asshole that tailgated me in the pouring rain this morning:
I hate you.
May you never, EVER receive oral sex.

#2 - To the idiot who just commented on a friend's Facebook page:
"Not much! :P Still livin' life & lovin' it"

You're an idiot.
Of course you are living. Obviously. You typed a needless message on your friend's page.
And the term "living life" is kind of redundant in this sentence. If you can call it a sentence.

What, pray tell, are you "lovin'?" Life? Living? So unclear.

Anyways, just needed to get that off my chest.

And yes, the girl who wrote #2 is a liberal. So I'm biased a bit.

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