Thursday, February 19, 2009

This oughta piss you off

The "Octomom" is $23K behind on her mortgage payments.

Her house is up for auction May 3rd.

Why God allows people like this to procreate and good, infertile people wish to have children... I'll never know.

I firmly do NOT believe in the medical world helping someone get pregnant.

I believe that no matter how badly someone wants a child - if you can't have a child, there is a REASON. Whether that is for your health, or a child's health - why do people insist in playing God?

There are so many children out there who need adoption.

And yet, this Angelina-Jolie-wannabie plumps her lips, her uterus, and pops out 8 babies.

It's bad enough she's popped out ANY when she's can't afford it.

This women should be imprisoned and sterilized.

I feel so sorry for those children.

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