Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Okay, it's not so much the beginning anymore. It's really the middle of the beginning of the end.

Obama is planning on saving us all, and his next step is the homeowner bailout.


The term "Foreclosure Prevention Plan" is scary as hell.

If you have worked in many industries that pertain to mortgages - or even been on your HOA Board, you understand how difficult it already IS to foreclose on a house.

In Georgia (not sure if this is a federal thing or what), a lawyer or collections agency has to inform the owner of the to-be-foreclosed on house via letter about their intent to collect. Then, the person has 30 days to respond. If they respond, the whole DAMN CLOCK resets!
Even if they respond with, "Nah, I've been paying my bills. I don't know what you morons are talking about," written on a brown paper bag.

And that's just for collections! A foreclosure suit is a whole different ballgame.

It's scary because everyone else's values are going right down the shitter, and will continue. If you are in a neighborhood of 125 houses, and a handful of them are in foreclosure, and are sold for a good chunk of change less than what you bought yours for, guess what happens to YOUR value?

But Obama plans to stop that.

What happens when the bottom falls out? What happens when the government can't hold its breath anymore? What happens when the majority of U.S. homeowners don't GIVE A DAMN anymore?

What's the point in paying your bills, seriously? Good credit rating? Who cares! I can't get credit SOMEWHERE, or at least apply for grants, loans, welfare...
Wait a second... why the HELL do I even have a JOB?! How silly I have been!

I dated a person a long time ago who had traveled around the world. He said that if we ended up together, he'd want to move outside the U.S.
He loved the U.S., it wasn't an anti-U.S. thing - it was more of a "spread the democracy" thought.
I hesitantly said I would, silently thinking: "Depends where," knowing that he wanted to spend more time in a place that you pooped in a hole in the ground. My butt cheeks like cold plastic toilet seats, thanks.

But now, looking forward, I wouldn't mind leaving the U.S.

Not because I want to spread democracy, but because I'm desperately seeking where it still flourishes. I wonder if it ever did in the U.S., for such nonsense to take flight.

Laziness really overcomes all, hm?

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