They've all been in the news lately, and they can be associated by Michael Phelps, Alex Rodriguez, and Tom Daschle.
Let's break this down, because I have a bone to pick with the law and the media.
Michael Phelps won 12 gold medals, set an ass-load of world records, and then acted like a college student.
No, I'm not excusing it. Hell, I think he should be treated like anyone else caught using pot.
But should he be HANGED for it? No.
As an aside, is the drug performance-enhancing? I think not.
Let's now discuss Alex Rodriguez, speaking of performance-enhancing.
Steroids. Hm. Those affect things, right? Like whether or not he beats Barry Bonds' home run record? Oh, wait. Yet another liar and drug user. Hm.
He used steroids illegally. Should he be HANGED for it? No. But he should get a little footnote next to his stats, just like Bonds. And I'd love for people to make fun of him when he comes out to the plate. Something about "small balls" or "Alex Small-Rodriguez."
Let's move on to my personal favorite. The one that works me up the most.
Tom Daschle. Tax-evader. He evading thousands in taxes. Should he be HANGED for it? YES.
Why? Because what he did affects EVERYONE. He paid less in taxes, while others continued to pay theirs. Who knows? Maybe if enough politicians in Washington evaded their taxes, we'd have a political crisis.
I have read HORRIFIC articles online that call Daschle a "victim of the system."
I agree we need tax reform, but I'm calling BULLSHIT on this one.
Daschle has "people" who do his taxes. Don't tell me his own fucking accountant didn't do his job. Puh-lease. Don't wanna hear it.
Call me jaded. Call me a cold-hearted conservative.
Tens of thousands of dollars? That's not an accident. That's a lie and a theft.
And don't get me started on the Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner.
He's such a liar that the freakin' stock market nearly crashed when he unvieled his financial plan. God help us all.
My point is this:
Michael Phelps and "A-Rod" both participated in illegal activities. Phelps' drug doesn't positively affect his choice of sport. For A-Rod, the choice he made does affect his choice in favor of better stats. I think he's a lowlife because he's a cheater. But does he affect my life? Nope.
Tom Daschle. Does he affect my life?
YES. He affects MANY.
And yet, where's the outrage?
"Oh, well, he pulled out of the cabinet nomination," some would argue with me.
In that case, then, we should excuse the lying, cheating, piece of shit, right? I mean, if a child molestor apologizes, we should accept the apology and allow him to babysit your kids, right?
When will liberals get it?!
Liberals want to tax US more so that they can get AWAY with shit like this.
Perhaps I should word it in a way half the country seems to understand.
Liberals want to tax YOU more so that they can get AWAY with shit like this.
Where is the outrage that would send this guy to leave his career in politics?
People are so apathetic, it's PATHETIC.
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